Alpha Metal Finishing now provides chemical passivation of customersÂ’ parts in conformance with ASTM A967 and ASTM 380, after recently installing a stainless steel passivation line.
“We are very excited to begin offering passivation to our customer base, since many of them manufacture both aluminum and steel products,” says Jamie Barrus, quality assurance manager at Alpha Metal Finishing. “I have been asked many times by customers if we could provide this service.”
Passivation is a non-electrolytic process designed to maximize the natural corrosion resistance of stainless steel. It can remove surface contamination such as free-iron or dirt particles from cutting tools that can form rust or act as initiation sites for corrosion. Alpha uses nitric acid to remove the particles from the surface, which forms an inert, protective oxide layer.
The company has wanted to add stainless passivation to its list of capabilities for many years; “Passivation fits well with our business model and relationships with customers and suppliers,” Greg Wood, COO of Alpha Metal Finishing explained. “It will provide another solid revenue stream and a building block to our long-term strategy.”
Image courtesy of Products Finishing Online