Controle Mesure Systemes, a global company with locations across the Americas, has been designing and manufacturing Non-Destructive Testing systems for nearly 35 years. Specializing in Eddy Current and Ultrasound, the company combines these two complementary methods in test benches that can be integrated directly on to the production line. It also offers off-line control solutions.
Controle Mesure Systemes has recently delivered two complete inspection benches combining these two EC + US inspection methods for the inspection of welded rolled steel tubes with diameters ranging from 10 to 60 millimeters.
The two Eddy Current equipment with encircling coils installed on each bench perform a grade sorting with sigma phase detection as well as a health check with the detection of surface and sub-surface point type defects. The reference defects used are transversal hole and external longitudinal notch.
The Ultrasonic control by rotating head (RotoUTscan) complements these EC controls and allows to carry out a material health control with the detection of internal and external defects and also allows to carry out dimensional measurements with a very high accuracy. The reference defects used are internal and external longitudinal and transverse notches with a depth of 5% WT.
For dimensional measurement, the system allows us to carry out measurements such as ID/OD/WT (Internal and Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness) with accuracies up to 4 mm.
Courtesy of Controle Mesure Systemes.