An enhanced oil recovery pilot project that has the potential to increase oil production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions is being tested in SW Manitoba, Canada by Tundra Oil & Gas. This will be Manitoba’s first C02 enhanced oil project and will determine the feasibility of recovering additional oil from the Sinclair Field west of Virden by injecting and storing CO2 deep inside the earth. Manitoba has participated in this experiment by offering royalty relief to help offset initial startup costs. If the project is successful, this incentive will be more than recovered by royalties on the additional oil produced by the technique. It is anticipated that this process will increase the amount of oil that may be recovered in the pilot project area while reducing the amount of CO2 that would otherwise be released in the atmosphere. Koch Fertilizer Canada’s plant in Brandon is the source for the CO2, which is trucked to the Sinclair Field by Praxair and injected into the oil reservoir. CO2 enhanced oil recovery projects are operating commercially in other jurisdictions. The closest project is EnCana Corp.’s Weyburn Project in SE Saskatchewan, which has been very successful.