Pasteurisation systems
The SureBeam Corporation has signed an agreement with Excel Corporation for two of Excel's processing facilities, located in Nebraska and Texas.
Kellogg to supply furnace for ExxonMobil plant
Kellogg Brown & Root will supply engineering, procurement, and construction services for a new pyrolysis furnace for ExxonMobil Chemicals’ Baytown Olefins plant.
New member in Sandvik’s management
Tom Erixon, 40, has been appointed manager of a newly established group within Sandvik, Corporate Business Development and IT.
Powerblocks for Estonian plants
Foster Wheeler Corporation has announced that its Finnish subsidiary, Foster Wheeler Energia Oy, has won a turnkey contract by AS Narva Elektrijaamad to supply two power blocks to its power plants in Narva, NE Estonia.
China’s biggest containerboard plant
China's State Council has approved a plan for the Singapore Asian Paper and Pulp Co. and the Ningbo Asia Paper Industry Co. to build a 1 million-ton containerboard manufacturing plant.
USX Corp. splits steel from oil activities
USX Corp., the US steel and energy group, will split into two publicly traded companies, US Steel and Marathon Oil.
Bayer plans new pharmaceuticals facility
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. will provide engineering and procurement services at Bayer’s pharmaceutical production facility in Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Spanish paper mill expansion plan
Papelera de Besaya has drawn up the blueprint for a ESP 2600 million (USD 14 million) upgrade of the sole PM at its Torrelavega mill, in the Cantabria region of northern Spain.
PPL’s Susquehanna unit 2 returns to service
PPL’s Unit 2 reactor at the Susquehanna nuclear power plant near Berwick, Pennsylvania, returned to service following the unit’s 10th planned refuelling and inspection outage.