Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

Sunset offshore

The role of a Senior Mechanical Engineer – Rotating Equipment at Burns & McDonnell

Founded in 1898, Burns & McDonnell is a global leader in engineering, architecture, construction, environmental, and consulting solutions for a variety of industries, including oil & gas, power, water, manufacturing, construction, and more. Mike Griggs, Senior Mechanical Engineer - Rotating Equipment, has been employed by Burns & McDonnell for the past five years, and attributes his successful career to his flexibility and ability to juggle multiple projects and tasks.
Long view shot

How a Supervisor of Air Fugitives Prevents Leaks at the 100-Year-Old Golden Eagle Refinery...

Stainless Steel World Americas had the recent pleasure of speaking with Larry Wilkerson, Supervisor of Air Fugitives at the Golden Eagle Refinery in Contra Costa County, California. He was delighted to discuss how he ended up in an environmental role, the main cause of leaks at the 100-year-old plant, and the measures that are taken to prevent them from occurring.

Submit your abstract for the 2018 Managing Aging Plants USA Conference today!

The 2018 Managing Aging Plants USA Conference & Exhibition will be held November 13 & 14, 2018 at the Royal Sonesta Houston Galleria Hotel in Houston, Texas. Kenneth Kirkham, Principal Engineer with The Equity Engineering Group, Inc., and the Steering Committee are now accepting abstracts for Presentations until June 15, 2018.

Potential for the Industrial Internet of Wisdom to boost stainless steel sales and margins

Stainless steel manufacturers are often handicapped by the fact that they typically sell products to an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and not to the end-user. This limits access to critical information, which helps determine the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). The equipment manufacturer has generally been more interested in first cost than TCO. By Robert Mcilvaine, President, The Mcilvaine Company
melting production

The competitive position of stainless steel: The first in an ongoing series

Since 1950, the melting production of stainless steel has increased almost fifty-fold, outperforming practically all other major metals and alloys. In the first of this ongoing series, industry insider Peter Cranfield has dug through historical production data–and his own memory banks–to explain this phenomenal and sustained growth. By Peter Cranfield, Consultant, World Bureau of Metal Statistics
nuts and bolts

Part three in a three-part series: Data security—your greatest risk management challenge

A single online search for the term Big Data (also known as the Internet of Things or Internet 4.0) pulls up 300,000,000 Internet references (yes, that’s millions) in just two-thirds of a second. The sheer volume of accessible information depicts the double-edge sword of data: its scope is overwhelming, both in terms of business potential and business risk for stainless steel manufacturers, fabricators, and distributors. Written by Jeff Eiben, Principal Owner, River Point Technology

Part two in a three-part series: ditch the silos and optimize the supply chain

For stainless steel manufacturers and the broader manufacturing sector, 2018 could be a stellar year for improving efficiencies and reducing costs. The reason? Supply chain optimization. Written by By Jeff Eiben, Principal Owner, River Point Technology

Safeguard your business success with the power of real-time data

Manufacturers and distributors in the stainless steel industry are not exempt from the reach of rapidly advancing technology. Those who hesitate to invest in and implement a robust IT infrastructure and sound data practices will eventually be left to watch as the competition passes by. By Jeff Eiben, Principal Owner, River Point Technology
Photo of Roger.

Eureka! Mastering the art of subsea ROV innovation tools

As a Hydraulic Specialist for Delta SubSea LLC (DSS), a leading provider of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) services and tooling solutions for the subsea oil and gas industry, Mr. Roger Warnock is an expert in fluid power and conveyance technology. We discuss the various challenges of working in subsea salt water depths and his expertise in hydraulic applications.
power plants

The stainless steel purchases made for coal fired power plants

Fifteen coal-fired plant operators will spend $75 billion/yr for flow & treat products along with related services in 2018 (1). An estimated one percent or $750 million will be spent on stainless steel materials. The top five operators will purchase over 36% of the total $153 billion/yr. The products included are those used to treat or control any gas, air, or liquid. Written by Robert Mcilvaine, President, The Mcilvaine Company.