Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.


Working with stainless steels and corrosion resistant alloys in the subsea, offshore, and onshore...

FMC Technologies and Technip came together in January 2017 to form TechnipFMC, a company dedicated to improving the performance of the world’s energy industry. A global leader in oil and gas projects, technologies, systems, and services, TechnipFMC is divided into three business segments: subsea, onshore/ offshore, and surface. The company employs more than 40,000 people across 48 countries. Stainless Steel World Americas spoke with Dr. Qiang Zeng, a Materials Expert at TechnipFMC.

Acceptable risk: A discussion with John-Paul Schmidt, Piping Stress Leader at Dow Chemical

Stainless Steel World Americas had the pleasure of speaking to John-Paul Schmidt, Piping Stress Leader at Dow Chemical, about working with clients to design projects, calculating risk, common challenges with equipment, as well as the best and most challenging aspects of the job.

Corrosion expert looks back on 30 years at Shell

For many in the international stainless steel and corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) industry, Dr. Sytze Huizinga is a familiar face and expert speaker at important industry events around the world. With his retirement having taken place at the end of 2015, Sytze took time to look back on a rich and fulfilling career and reflect on some of the changes he has seen. Written by Candace Allison & Joanne McIntyre

Electromechanical cables in the oil and gas industry

Electromechanical (wireline) cables are not components that receive a lot of attention in the oil and gas industry, yet they provide an essential link between the surface and the wellbore in both onshore and offshore wells. Mr. Dustin Dunning from Camesa explained some of the challenges that these highly specialized cables must overcome. Dustin Dunning believes that “EMC is a very niche piece of technology which tends to be overlooked.” Written by Joanne McIntyre

Developing strong working relationships in the refining industry

Phillips 66 is one of America’s fastest growing energy manufacturing and logistics companies, specializing in midstream, chemicals, refining and marketing and specialties. Operating under the corporate principles of safety, honor and commitment, Phillips 66 operates 13 refineries, nearly 50 storage terminals and thousands of miles of pipelines. We spoke with Greg Ardoin, Category Manager—General Maintenance Supplies, Projects & Procurement for Phillips 66.
Stainless pipes

Welding Stainless Steels and Corrosion Resistant Alloys: An Interview with Lincoln Electric’s Mike Barrett

Lincoln Electric is the global manufacturer of welding, cutting and joining products on today’s market. Stainless Steel World Americas travelled to the company’s headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio to speak with Mike Barrett, the stainless, nickel and cobalt expert from the Application Engineering Department. He shared with us his experience working with stainless steels and other corrosion resistant alloys.

The different types of stainless steel used for combined heat and power plants

The trend away from large coal fired power generation stations will substantially reduce the markets for many stainless steel products. However, despite this, one of the fastest growing sources of energy will be combined heat and power plants. This technology will result in stainless steel product purchases to partially offset the reductions in purchases for central stations. Written By Bob McIlvaine, President, The McIlvaine Company

Stainless Steel in the Hydrocarbon Industry: An Interview with a Mechanical Engineer

Gopal Murti, a Consultant with the Augustus Group, LLC, began his career in the oil and gas industry in 1971 after graduation in Mechanical Engineering. In the 45 years since, he has worked on numerous projects across a variety of industries, mostly in the hydrocarbon processing industry. Stainless Steel World Americas spoke to Gopal about his impressive career, the types of projects he currently works on and the grades of stainless steel and CRAs he has experience with.

An in-depth discussion of CRAs from the perspective of a Welding & Metallurgist Specialist

Stainless Steel World Americas recently spoke with Mr. Pradip Goswami, P.Eng, IWE, a Welding & Metallurgist Specialist who is currently working in Ontario, Canada. Goswami told us about his educational background, his extensive past working experiences using stainless steels across the world, especially in India, and what he both enjoys and finds challenging about working with these corrosion resistant alloys.
Mars B Arriving

Sailing away…Corrosion expert looks back on 30 years at Shell

For many in the international stainless steel and corrosion resistant alloy (CRA) industry, Dr. Sytze Huizinga is a familiar face and expert speaker at important industry events around the world. For over thirty years he has provided corrosion expertise to Shell, researching new solutions that have helped to propel the oil and gas industry. With his retirement having taken place at the end of 2015, Sytze took time to look back on a rich and fulfilling career. By Joanne McIntyre