Featured Story

Our Featured Story archive is a collection of the Featured Story’s which have been published in our magazine and taken pride of place as the ‘unique feature article’ on our Stainless Steel World Americas home page. In addition to industry updates, market news and topical issues of the day the Feature Story provides an interesting mix of company profiles, in-depth technical articles, reports from major end users and features projects in a variety of industries ranging from oil & gas, chemical and petrochemical to the architecture, power generation, medical and food and beverage industries.

Featured Story – Market Report

The market for air, water, and energy products used in blood plasma fractionation, and the development of drugs derived from the plasma, is approaching $5 billion per year. Alongside this, the market for AWE stainless products is approaching $80 million dollars per year

Featured Story – Market Overview

Durable, hygienic, and recyclable; the three reasons why stainless steel never loses its demand. Aside from resistance to staining and corrosion, the majority of stainless steel applications are focused on making products that need a long life. From wristwatches to spaceships, the applications of stainless steel are limitless. The iconic Chrysler Building in New York, which is now more than 80 years old, is a great example of a long life of stainless steel.

Featured Story – Arc Welding Processes and Welding Procedure Specifications

Gerald Solano has been working in the welding industry for over 35 years. Currently, he is the Senior Technical Advisor on Welding Technology for KBR, a world-renowned engineering company, and is also a current AWS Senior Certified Welding Inspector.

Featured Story – Making the Case for Portable Machine Tools

Today, experienced machinists, fabricators, machine shop owners, and OEMs use their trade skills and experience to shape and reshape the world we live in. In all cases, the question is not, can they machine complex metal parts and components, but rather, can they do it efficiently for their customers and profitably for their employers?

Featured Story – Machinability Improved Stainless Steels

A machine shop in Finland uses machinability-improved 316L bar to boost cutting speeds and improve chip breakage. A fabricator of mechanical seals in Texas switches to a specially tailored 2205 grade of duplex stainless steel in hollow bar to triple turnaround times.

Featured Story – The Most Profitable Sectors of the Food Industry for Stainless Steel...

The world GDP is over $80 trillion, and more than $15 trillion of that is spent on food. Sugar purchases alone account for over $1 trillion of this GDP. There is also a high percentage of food revenues spent on stainless steel materials within this industry, as critical and severe service needs are required.

Featured Story – The Varying Personalities of Exotics and Alloy Steels

Did you know that every metal has its own unique personality, nuances, quirks, and mannerisms? Did you know that a welder should be a kind of ‘metal-psychiatrist’ to be able to do the welding job correctly? This is something that Travis Field of Legion Piping Fabricators, has become acutely aware of during his career.

Featured Story – Synalloy Metals

Synalloy Metals, and its family of companies, Brismet (Bristol Metals), Specialty Pipe and Tube, and American Stainless Tubing, was not always a combined force. After strategic acquisitions and leader-ship changes, the companies now proudly stand together to bring an impressive and diverse product portfolio to the market.

Featured Story – Bridging the Gap Between Research and Industry

An accepted manufacturing technique in some areas, 3D printing still seems to be in its infancy in others. One talented young man who is determined to play his part in furthering the practical application of 3D printing in the toughest of industries is Navin Sakthivel.

Featured Story – Ways Toward Carbon Neutral Stainless Steel Production

The steel industry ranks amongst the top three CO2 (carbon dioxide) emitters from the industrial segment, and many steelmakers have set carbon neutral goals for the 2030-2050 timeframe. In general, stainless steel producers have a smaller carbon footprint than most carbon steel producers — on average about half — yet many have focused on investigating and implementing various available decarbonization approaches.