Azane launches updated low-charge freezer

Azane Inc., which is based in the U.K. and is Star Refrigeration’s low-charge ammonia manufacturer for the U.S. market, has launched the latest version of its packaged low-charge ammonia refrigeration unit, Azanefreezer 2.0.

Designed for cold-storage warehousing and food-processing applications, the air-cooled Azanefreezer 2.0 will be manufactured in the U.S., and is said to increase safety, and diminish regulatory burden while avoiding future regulation and higher running costs of HRC refrigerants. 

This updated product will bring an allowance for a lower minimum condensing temperature and gives an efficient solution for convertible rooms. Altogether, running costs have been reduced by 10% at a low temperature, and by more than 20% at a chill temperature. Maintenance costs are reduced further, with an extended lifespan by using stainless steel piping, stainless steel electrical cabinets, and improved insulation systems.

Image courtesy of Ammonia21
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