AWMI elects new leadership for 2017-2018

The Association of Women in the Metal Industries (AWMI) recently held its 2017-2018 elections. Two year term positions that were voted on include the President and Vice-President of the AWMI. Voting took place at the 2016 Annual Conference held in Orlando, Florida. The AWMI is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to the growth of women in the metals industries, such as stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, copper etc.

 Â• Carol Chizmar has been elected the 2017- 2018 President of AWMI.
 Â• Sonya Malvick has been elected the 2017-2018 Vice-President of AWMI.
 Â• Mary Pollen will serve another two-year term as the International Marketing Chair.
 Â• Two Regional Directors were re-elected for a second term: Leah Mojeski as the Central Regional     Director for AWMI and Liza Godsil as the Western Regional Director for AWMI.
 Â• Becky Hites will serve her first term as the Southern Regional Director.

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