Apella updates on titanium project

Apella Resources Inc. and its Board of Directors have announced that Apella has now successfully completed its initial drilling program on the Iron-T Vanadium-Iron-Titanium Project. The original 10 hole 1000m program budgeted for and announced 26 October 2009 was increased by management to 1800m at the request of Apella’s geological field crew. Three holes were added bringing the total holes to thirteen. A number of initial ten holes were revisited and extended in depth. The company is planning a follow up release in order to provide details of the drill holes. The remaining core samples are now being logged and several hundred samples in total will be processed for Vanadium, Iron and Titanium by ALS Chemex Canada and Perth, Australia. The company is now planning its Phase-2 diamond drill program for the Iron-T and estimates that the next phase will be considerably more extensive than Phase-1. The Iron-T Project is located near Matagami, Quebec, approximately 250km west of Chibougamau, the location of Apella’s Lac Dore and Lac Dore North Iron-Vanadium-Titanium Projects. The Iron-T Project is Apella’s largest Canadian Iron-Vanadium-Titanium project and will be the focus of most of Apella’s diamond drilling and exploration endeavours over the coming months.
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