Alstom to invest in hydro power in Brazil

Alstom will establish a Global Hydro Technology Centre in Brazil, with a special focus on Kaplan turbines. Approximately EUR 6 million will be invested in this initiative. The Global Technology Centre will be located in Taubaté where the company has its biggest hydro factory, capable of manufacturing all electromechanical equipment for hydro power plants for Brazil and export. Alstom holds approximately 40% of the hydro power solutions market in Brazil. The centre will focus on Kaplan solutions for Alstom Hydro worldwide and will be composed of an R&D team and a test rig. The R&D team of the Global Technology Centre will begin its activities in Taubaté by early 2012 and the test rig is expected to be operational mid 2013. The test rig of the Global Technology Centre – Taubaté will be prepared to test Kaplan turbines for projects located mainly in Brazil and Asia.

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