Alacero publishes steel report for Jan-Feb 2017

According to a report published by Alacero, the Latin American Steel Association, during the first bimester of the year, Latin America showed a similar level in steel consumption to the one registered during Jan-Feb 2016. For its part, the regional production of crude and finished steel increased 10 percent and 2 percent, respectively, versus 2016.

Latin America and the Caribbean produced 10.2 million tons (Mt) of crude steel in Jan-Feb 2017, 10 percent higher than the volume recorded in Jan-Feb 2016 (9.3 Mt). Brazil is the main producer in the region with 53 percent of the regional production (5.4 Mt), increasing 10 percent versus Jan-Feb 2016.

In Jan-Feb 2017, Latin America produced 8.3 Mt of finished steel, 2 percent higher than Jan-Feb 2016. Brazil was the main producer (3.5 Mt), accounting for 42 percent of the Latin American output. Mexico came second with 3.1 Mt (37 percent share of regional output).

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