AK Steel’s Coshocton, Ohio Works has received “Wildlife at Work” certification from the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC), a nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring and enhancing wildlife habitat. The certification recognizes the company for its ongoing environmental restoration efforts at the plant. Since the summer of 2008, AK Steel has restored more than two acres of plant property into native Ohio prairie land. The restored area includes several nesting boxes for bluebirds and purple martins, as well as native flowers and grasses. The company will maintain the restored area and plans to expand the prairie to 15 to 20 acres over time. In addition to “Wildlife at Work” certification, AK Steel’s Coshocton Works is ANSI / ISO 14001:2004 certified to meet internationally recognized environmental management standards. The plant recycles approximately 29,000tns of waste materials per year and uses high efficiency lighting throughout the facility.