AK Steel Corporation and Allegheny Ludlum, the two U.S. producers of grain-oriented electrical steel (GOES), and United Steelworkers, which represents workers engaged in theproduction of GOES at ATI Allegheny Ludlum, have filed antidumping petitions in response to reportedly unfairly traded imports of GOES from seven countries, thereby subsequently causing material injury to the US domestic industry. The domestic industry also filed a petition alleging thatsignificant subsidies have been provided to Chinese GOES producers by the ChineseGovernment. The petitions were filed concurrently with the United States Department ofCommerce and the United States International Trade Commission. The seven countries covered by the antidumping petitions and the margins allegedby the domestic industry areChina, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Poland, Russia, and South Korea.
The petitions were filed in response to large and increasing volumes of low-priced imports ofGOES from the subject countries over the past three years that have injured USproducers. Imports from the seven subject countries accounted for 85% of all imports ofGOES by value in the U.S. market in 2012. The petitions allege that producers in the subjectcountries have injured the domestic industry by selling their products at unfairly low prices thatsignificantly undercut domestic market prices.