AD Tubi enters North American Market

A.D.Tubi Inossidabili SpA will expand into North America, Mexico, and the South and Central American markets in partnership with Kipp International Steel Sales. A.D. Tubi is a welded tube manufacturer specializing in the heat transfer industry, constructing tubes from stainless steel, nickel alloys, superferritic, duplex and super duplex stainless steel and titanium. The company also offers a range of welded stainless tubes for chemical, heating elements, hydro and food tube applications, in addition to heat exchanger tubes. Products are available in a full range of tube sizes from .281in OD to 2.5in OD in overall diameter and wall thickness, starting at .016 to .120 wall. Kipp International is comprised of a team of mill direct representatives for global manufacturers specializing in heat exchanger and condenser tubes, boiler tubes, pressure pipe, refinery pipe, valves and fittings for a wide range of applications.

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