Petrobras has announced that it has entered into an agreement with Vale S.A. to purchase 100 per cent of the shares issued by Araucária Nitrogenados S.A., located in Araucária, Paraná.
The transaction is worth US$234 million and payments will be made using revenue from the lease of mining rights owned by Petrobras to Vale, in the state of Sergipe.
The Araucária Nitrogenados plant is capable of producing 700,000 tons per year (kta) of urea, 475 kta of ammonia and 450,000 m3/year of Arla 32.
The Araucária Nitrogenados plant is capable of producing 700,000 tons per year (kta) of urea, 475 kta of ammonia and 450,000 m3/year of Arla 32.
The raw material used is asphalt residue, which is supplied by the Presidente Getúlio Vargas Refinery (REPAR), in Araucária.
The plant complements Petrobras’ additional fertilizer assets, allowing for close proximity to markets in São Paulo and Paraná, greater storage capacity and means of transportation, as well as optimization of the production mix of each plant to meet the demands of their adjacent markets and potential synergies with REPAR.
The plant complements Petrobras’ additional fertilizer assets, allowing for close proximity to markets in São Paulo and Paraná, greater storage capacity and means of transportation, as well as optimization of the production mix of each plant to meet the demands of their adjacent markets and potential synergies with REPAR.