Abakan’s PComP protective coatings gain traction

Abakan, an emerging company in the advanced coatings and metal formulations markets, announced several recent developments related to its PComP protective coatings. Abakan completed field-testing of a PComP coating at one of the largest steel companies in Mexico, and anticipates a commercial order of the product. Meanwhile, Abakan is now testing its PComP coatings in Taiwan in cooperation with its partner in Asia, UP Scientech Materials Corp. Abakan has also received its first repeat orders from an international oil field services customer in Canada.

In Mexico, roller screens (rolls) used to separate green iron ore pellets were coated with Abakan’s PComP-W protective coating and installed alongside rollers protected with standard coating products.

From Taiwan, Abakan’s partner in Asia, UP Scientech, intends to launch PComP coatings into Asian markets. Abakan expects UP Scientech’s testing and validation process to be completed over the next few months with initial sales in Asia by mid-2015.

In Western Canada, an Abakan customer who had been using PComP coatings primarily to coat pumps used in oil sands production is now also using PComP to coat mandrels, plungers and other oil field components for one of the world’s largest oilfield services companies.

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