An ideal stainless for seawater applications: Part one

The article, ‘Finding the right stainless steel for seawater and topside applications: Part one of two’, written by Marcelo Senatore, Regional Technical Marketing Manager at Sandvik Materials Technology, focuses on Sandvik’s super-duplex (austenitic-ferric) stainless steel, Sandvik SAF 2507®, UNS S32750, which was introduced to the market in 1989. Originally, the material was developed for seawater cooling, as it has a minimum pitting resistant equivalent (PRE) of 42.5.
In part one of the article, Senatore discusses how the material was discovered, tested, and gives an example of how the super-duplex material has been used in the field. “Sandvik SAF 2507 is suited for service in highly corrosive environments, and is characterized by having excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, high resistance to general corrosion, and high resistance to corrosion fatigue. The super-duplex stainless steel also has high mechanical strength and physical properties that offer design advantages. The material has good weldability and the matching filler metal gives the welds properties close to the base material,” Senatore writes. “With these beneficial components, Sandvik SAF 2507 is an ideal material choice for hydraulic and instrumentation lines for topside oil platform applications. This article will look at the science and testing behind the super-duplex stainless steel, as well as the benefits it has as a material choice for topside hydraulic and instrumentation applications.”
For the full article, please email Catarina Muia at for the article PDF.
Image courtesy of Special Piping Materials
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