The power of real-time data

In his article, ‘Safeguard your business success with the power of real-time data’, Jeff Eiben, Principal Owner at River Point Technology, talks about how manufacturers and distributors in the stainless steel industry are not exempt from the reach of rapidly-advancing technology. Those who hesitate to invest in, and implement a robust IT infrastructure and sound data practices will eventually be left to watch as the competition passes by. 

“Real-time data is quickly becoming a necessity, whether your company manufactures or distributes products for the chemical, oil and gas, hydraulics, food services, or any other end-user,” he explains. “The reason is this: We live and work in a connected world, and data is flowing in second by second. As the number of Internet-connected devices increases (and the estimate is now 50 billion by 2020), the volume of data is becoming both invaluable and overwhelming. The question then for today’s manufacturers and distributors is not whether to incorporate real-time data into their core business operations, but how.”

For the full article, please email Catarina Muia at for the article PDF.
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