Sandvik Materials Technology has appointed Langley Alloys as its preferred partner in distributing duplex and super duplex stainless steels to the NAFTA region.
Since September 2017, the two companies have been partners in the U.K. market, and the most recent development seeks the same success, which is increasing the market penetration of SandvikÂ’s high-performance alloys.
Both companies share a proud history in the development and supply of high-performance stainless steels and therefore, this partnership brings together two originators of the duplex and super duplex alloy world.
“We have recently reviewed the role of our Houston warehouse and feel that partnering with Langley Alloys can improve the market penetration for Sandvik products,” said Dave Shallock, sales manager NAFTA for Sandvik. “They operate a warehouse in nearby Conroe, Houstone, as well as Portland, so they have the reach, customer relationships, and process capability we are looking for in a partner.”
In addition to Sandvik SAF 2507®, a super duplex alloy developed by Sandvik in the mid ‘80s, the newly-extended partnership will have a focus on Sanmac® 2205 duplex stainless steel.
The new generation on Sanmac® stainless steel helps reduce tool-wear and increase cutting speeds, which provides machine shops with productivity improvements and cost reductions per produced item.
“By partnering with world-class producers such as Sandvik, we are able to extend the depth of our alloy stock range,” explained Chris Halliday, president of Langley Alloys Inc. “Making Langley Alloys an unrivalled supplier in Duplex stainless steels in the U.S.A., we will focus on stocking Sanmac® 2205, SAF2307®, Alloy 32760, and our own unique super duplex Ferralium® 225-SD50, with its higher strength (85ksi). These alloys, fully certified by the likes of NORSOK, ASTM, ASME, PED, and ABS, provide high levels of performance in demanding applications, which we support with a competitive price and availability.”
Image courtesy of Langley Alloys Inc.