The Association of Women in the Metal Industries (AWMI) recently held its 2017-2018 elections. Two year term positions that were voted on include the President and Vice-President of the AWMI. Voting took place at the 2016 Annual Conference held in Orlando, Florida. The AWMI is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to the growth of women in the metals industries, such as stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, copper etc.
• Carol Chizmar has been elected the 2017- 2018 President of AWMI.
• Sonya Malvick has been elected the 2017-2018 Vice-President of AWMI.
• Mary Pollen will serve another two-year term as the International Marketing Chair.
• Two Regional Directors were re-elected for a second term: Leah Mojeski as the Central Regional Director for AWMI and Liza Godsil as the Western Regional Director for AWMI.
• Becky Hites will serve her first term as the Southern Regional Director.