1 week remaining – Register for MAP USA 2016

With only ONE WEEK to go, there are a limited amount of spaces left for the Managing Aging Plants Conference and Exhibition being held at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas, USA on November 9th & 10th. The Materials Technology Institute (MTI), in cooperation with KCI Publishing, are organizing the two-day conference, which will be devoted to the topic of ‘Managing Aging Plants’ (MAP). Some of the topics that will be discussed are Risk Based Inspection, Specific Assets Management and Best Practices for Managing Aging Plants.

The conference schedule is now available for your viewing at: http://www.managingagingplants.com/pdf.

Don’t miss out – You can register for the 2016 Managing Aging Plants USA online at www.managingagingplants.com. Select MAP USA 2016 at the top and then ‘Conference Registration’ in the ‘More Information’ box on the right hand side.

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