Linde launches ADDvance O2 precision

Linde Gases, a division of The Linde Group, with a US office located in New Jersey, has launched ADDvance™ O2 precision in response to a need from aerospace company Airbus Group Innovations. ADDvance O2 precision is a measuring and analysis unit that enables metal additive manufacturers to analyse and control the level of oxygen (O2) and humidity within the printer chamber.

The idea behind this new technology is to detect O2 levels in the printer chamber and modify the gas atmosphere by adjusting the level of argon or nitrogen. Usually, the additive manufacturing process operates within a closed chamber filled with high purity inert gas such as argon or nitrogen. However, impurities due to incomplete purging, small machine leakages and metal powder can have an influence on the oxygen level. ADDvance O2 precision is designed to allow for more accurate levels of oxygen and humidity without cross-sensitivity effects and to ensure a constant level of oxygen during the process.

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