ASM International, the American Society for Metals, the world’s largest association of metals-centric materials, such as stainless steel and specialty alloys, has awarded those who have contributed to materials science and engineering.
Bhakta B. Rath, an Associate Director of Research and head of the Materials Science and Technology Directorate at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., was awarded the medal for the Advancement of Research by ASM International. Raj N. Singh, a professor at Oklahoma State University, received the ASM International 2016 Albert Sauveur Achievement Award for pioneering and original scientific and technological contributions to science and technology of materials. Amit Pandey, of LG Fuel Cell Systems Inc., was honored by ASM International with the Emerging Professional Achievement Award.
The awards program recognizes achievements of members of the materials science and engineering community. Each award winner will be honored at ASM’s annual awards dinner on October 25th in Salt Lake City, Utah, during Materials Science and Technology 2016.