Outokumpu, a global producer of stainless steel with various operations in North and South America, is taking part in a project to reduce transport emissions, by transporting stainless steel through the first electric road in the world. Located in Sweden, the electric road project aims to reduce the use of fossil fuels with the help of electrification in road transport.
The two-kilometer-long electric road for heavy-truck transport was inaugurated at an on-site ceremony on June 22nd. The project is the first of its kind on a public road anywhere in the world.
Outokumpu is committed to reducing emission throughout its entire supply chain, including transport, according to the company. The road is located near the town of Gävle between Sandviken and Kungsgården near Outokumpu’s site in Avesta. Gävle port is an important hub and all container traffic to Outokumpu Avesta comes via the Gävle port.