AK Steel’s Coshocton (Ohio) Works has been recognized for outstanding safety performance by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Division of Safety and Hygiene. AK Steel is a leader in the production of flat-rolled carbon, stainless and electrical steel products. The recognition is part of a collaborative safety awareness program established by the Coshocton County Safety Council and Chamber of Commerce.
AK Steel’s Coshocton Works received the “100% Award for Safety” for operating the entire year of 2015 without any lost-time injuries or illnesses. The plant also received a “Special Award for Safety” for operating 1,456,367 hours without a lost-time injury between April 23, 2014 and December 31, 2015. Coshocton Works received an Achievement Award for decreasing its incident rate by at least 25 percent from the previous year. Coshocton Works also received the “Group Safety Award” for having the lowest incident rate in the industrial group. AK Steel’s corporate-wide safety performance again led the steel industry by a wide margin for the full-year 2015.