Daniel Tremblay and Robert Gilchrist have developed an innovative ground-level-operating farm milk tank that may offer a template for milk haulers across North America. The aim is to help eliminate falls from milk tankers, as well as cut down maintenance and loading time.
In tandem-axle, the milk pick-up trailer is constructed of Type 304 stainless steel and in capacities ranging from 6,000 to 7,800 gallons. With the exception of an atmospheric vent on top of the tank, all valves and other hardware are at ground level. Tank cleaning is accomplished with a clean-in-place system.
The positive aspects of the new tank design; the number one priority—safety—was satisfied, no one on top of the tank, no ladders. Washing and inspecting the interior of the tank is much easier at ground level. The tank design was accepted by State Regulatory Agencies in all states where inspection was executed.
Tremcar successfully designed a cargo tank where all access points were grouped together: milk sampling, temperature recorder, probe system, pumping system, etc and conformed to USDA inspection procedures for a quality product. Performing work functions are now easier, safer, and faster.