Stainless Steel resilient seated knife gate valve

This stainless steel bonnetless resilient seat knife gate valve from Lined Valve Company, has been proving its quality design in many applications: Pulp stock to 7 percent and light slurries, wastewater and cooling water, pulp and paper, power generation, beverages and food processing, chemicals and fertilizers. Manufactured with heavy duty cast stainless steel body, packing gland and yoke, and stainless steel gate and stem, the Figure 77 is reliable and rugged, designed to resist deflection under extreme loads. With the rubber seat sitting flush with the bottom of the port, potential pockets collecting media are eliminated.

Figure 77 has a bi-directional drip tight seal to 150 PSI and is certified to MSS SP-81, AWWA C520 and compact wafer configuration to TAPPI. Standard sizes are 3”-24” with custom fabrications always an option.

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