Stainless cone valve needed for Summersville Dam

The US Army Corps of Engineers has issued a new call/tender for bids to supply a fixed cone valve to Summersville Dam on the Gauley River in West Virginia. All bids are requested by April 9, 2015.
Summersville is the second tallest dam east of the Mississippi River and was completed by the Corps in 1966 for flood control recreation and flow augmentation. Though operated by the Corps, it is the site of the 80-MW Summersville hydroelectric project licensed to the city of Summersville, W.Va., by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
The Huntington District now seeks bids to fabricate, assemble, test and deliver a 106.75-inch-diameter fixed cone valve, electric operator and appurtenant items. The stainless steel valve body is to consist of a cylinder, a fixed internal deflector cone on the downstream end, internal radial vanes and an upstream flange for attachment to a flanged pipe spool piece.
A solicitation notice may be obtained from the Federal Business Opportunities Internet site,, by entering solicitation No. W9123715R0009 in the “Keyword/Solicitation #” box.

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