Xylem’s Ultrascreen stainless disk filter

Water technology company Xylem has signed an exclusive agreement with Nuove Energie to distribute a tertiary disk filter system for wastewater reuse and discharge requirements in the USA and Canada.

The Ultrascreen disk filter will be distributed by Xylem under the company’s Leopold brand for customers who have a particular need for tertiary treatment to meet stringent requirements for both discharge and reuse applications.

According to Xylem’s product manager, Robert Wiley the Leopold Ultrascreen disk filter “provides ease of operation at the lowest life cycle costs in the industry.”

Its stainless steel components include the filtering mesh, which can last for more than ten years, said Wiley, “dramatically lowering the life cycle cost compared to other disk filters in the industry which rely on woven plastic mesh or felt material.”

The AISI 316L stainless steel screens can handle high hydrostatic pressure and are easily treated chemically to remove colloidal materials that permanently foul other disk media. This, combined with the patented “dynamic tangential filtration” operating principle delivers “exceptional performance at higher loading rates with unprecedented durability,” the company has claimed.

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