McDermott completes Chevron project

McDermott International has successfully completed the Jack and St. Malo project for Chevron USA.

The scope of the project involved the installation of jumpers, flying leads, subsea pump stations, umbilicals and subsea landing of some of the industry’s largest and complex umbilical end terminations to a host floating production platform in 7,200 feet of water 279 miles offshore Louisiana. This project is the first step in the development of the Jack South, St. Malo South and St. Malo North Drill Centers.

McDermott was responsible for the in-house fabrication of 21 high specification rigid flowline manifold and pump jumpers and installed the structures using the Derrick Barge 50 (DB50) with its specialized deepwater lowering system. Over 80 flying leads, five additional rigid production well jumpers and other subsea control and production boost components were installed by the DB50, including three pump stations that weighed 209 tons each.

In addition, three control and two power umbilicals totaling 65 miles were transported and installed by the subsea construction vessel North Ocean 102 along with other related subsea structures. Located in the Gulf of Mexico Walker Ridge Area, the Jack and St. Malo fields are jointly being developed with a host floating production unit.

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