BP has announced completion of a successful flow test of the Itaipu-1A discovery well offshore Brazil. The drill stem test was the latest activity in the ongoing appraisal program at the BP-operated Itaipu discovery. The well test achieved flow rates of up to 5,600 barrels of oil a day for 32 hours through a 40/64 choke from a limited perforated interval. Results from the pressure build-up after the main flow indicated good connectivity in the reservoir.
Long term pressure monitoring gauges were also set in the wellbore prior to the end of operations.
“This is a good result for the Itaipu project, indicating that commercially viable flow rates can be achieved from this Pre-Salt carbonate reservoir,” said BP vice president for exploration Brazil, Neil Piggott.
The Itaipu-1A pre-salt well is located in block BM-C-32 in the deepwater sector of the Campos Basin, 125 kilometers offshore Brazil and was drilled in 2009 by Devon. BP purchased Devon’s interests in Brazil in 2011.
The Itaipu-2 appraisal well was drilled in 2011. A second appraisal well location, Itaipu-3, has been agreed with the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP), and will be the next operation at the Itaipu field later this year.
The Itaipu-2 appraisal well was drilled in 2011. A second appraisal well location, Itaipu-3, has been agreed with the Brazilian National Petroleum Agency (ANP), and will be the next operation at the Itaipu field later this year.
BP is the operator of BM-C-32 with a 40 per cent equity. Other equity holders are Anadarko Petroleum Corporation (33.3 per cent) and Maersk Energia Ltda (26.7 per cent).