Siemens snags order for Combined Cycle Power Plant

 Siemens has announced that they have been awarded an order for the supply of the power island for the UTE Mauá 3 combined-cycle power plant to be located in Manaus, Brazil. The plant will be built for Amazonas Distribuidora de Energia S.A., a subsidiary of Eletrobrás, the National Brazilian Electrical Company. Siemens and Andrade will supply the natural gas-fired combined-cycle plant in two phases with the construction lead by Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A. The first phase will be the construction of the simple cycle plant scheduled to be online in 2014, thus supporting the increased electricity demand during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Soccer games, and further growth in the region. The combined cycle conversion will follow as phase two of the plant construction.

“Brazil is a key market for Siemens and we are proud to have been selected as the supplier of choice for this important power plant project which will support the electrification of Manaus. We recognize that the Manaus region needs the UTE Mauá 3 power plant for steady, reliable and environmentally friendly power supply in the very near future. This is all the more important as Manaus will be one of the venues of the 2014 world football championship,” said member of the Siemens AG Managing Board and CEO of the company’s Energy Sector, Michael Suess.

Highly efficient combined-cycle power plants are part of Siemens’ Environmental Portfolio. In fiscal year 2011, revenue from the Portfolio totaled about €30 billion, making Siemens one of the world’s largest suppliers of eco-friendly technologies.

“Manaus will be the first of a series of thermal power plants necessary in Brazil. Working in conjunction with a company such as Siemens will make this project a success for both companies and for Brazil,” said Energy President Construtora Andrade Gutierrez S.A., Flavio Barra.


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