Polysoude introduces the POLYCAR 30 AVC/OSC

Polysoude has introduced its latest revolutionary carriage-type welding head, the POLYCAR 30 AVC/OSC. This product was manufactured in response to high market demand following an increase in the number of more compact constructions and therefore reduced accessibility in terms of radial clearance around tubes to be welded.
In response to a call for tender for a customer specialized in uranium enrichment, the technical specifications stipulated the following requirements:
– excellent inert gas shielded arc welding
– welding of aluminium using DC Helium
– extreme compactness of isometries
– rapid assembly and dismantling ( in less than 1 minute )
– user-friendliness (simplified handling and adjustment)
– reproduction of all movements of a manual welder and completion of the weld in a series of passes.
Using these guidelines, Polysoude created a welding head, capable of welding virtually all weldable materials with reduced radial clearance of tubes ranging from 32 to 168mm in diameter. The carriage welding head is mounted on a guide ring adapted to the diameter of the tube to be welded. During the welding process, the welding head travels around the tube.
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