The Canadian Manufacuring Technology Show took place this week, 17-20 October 2011, at the Direct Energy Centre in Toronto, Canada. The show featured the latest technology, equipment, lean practices, management strategies and green solutions for manufacturing businesses. Visitors had the opportunity to walk the show floor and witness live equipment demonstrations and engage in conversations with suppliers. We had the opporunity to check out the show and below are just a few of the highlights we captured!

Visitors were walking the floor, viewing demonstrations

and chatting with manufacturing companies

It was impossible to miss Sandvik Coromant, world’s leading producer of tools for turning, milling and drilling. Their bright yellow booth invited visitors to “join them on the road to success”!

The booth focused on Aerospace and Power solutions.

We stopped to take a look at Abrasive Waterjet’s massive DX612 Machine, capable of cutting through virtually any material, including titanium and stainless steel.

We also met with the ladies from ESAB Canada, providers of quality solutions for the welding and cutting needs of the Canadian market.

The show featured all kinds of manufacturing technology, from automation and machining to metal fabricating and advances in software. Visitors benefited from advice and expertise from technical experts.