North American-based DoALL Sawing Products’ Cutting Fluids Division has announced the launch of the Ultra Series of cutting fluids, including Kool-ALL Ultra, Kleen-Kool Ultra and Power-Cut Ultra. A concentrated form of existing products, the Ultra Series allows the customer more coolant, less water and lower freight costs. The Ultra Series are semi-synthetics with technology for long sump life, tramp oil rejection, and a balance between control of both bacteria and mold for the fewest odor complaints and the least generation of tube and passageway mold growths. The series also have extreme pressure fortified soluble oils with the ability to handle alloy steels like 300 series stainless steel. The emulsifiers are designed to mix easily with water, which reduces the burden on the setup and maintenance people at your customer’s shop. They also feature synthetic coolants with the lowest foaming tendency, the best fines release and hard water tolerance (for minimizing grinding swarf and maintaining an unclogged grinding wheel with fewest wheel dressings).