“Energy Weave” stainless sculpture

Buffalo’s newest waterfront attraction, a stainless steel sculpture entitled “Energy Weave,” has been completed in front of Rigidized Metals on Ohio Street in Western New York. The wavelike stainless steel sculpture is 90ft wide and 40ft high at its peak. It consists of 13 stainless steel leaves fastened to piers that seem to float upward from the north end of the Rigidized plant to a point five feet above the roof line. Larry Griffis Jr, who designed the piece and supervised its fabrication and installation, sought to create the illusion of reflected sunlight as “a moving part of the sculpture itself” in the eyes of motorists passing by on Fuhrmann Boulevard. The original plan was to attach the sculpture to the plant facade, but large piers were used instead, allowing “Energy Weave” to stand on its own. Two cranes were used to install it over three months, with heavy winter winds often swirling about. The project, which cost USD 100,000, is the brainchild of company CEO Rick Smith, who sought a work of art to represent the waterfront and its green energy potential.

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