DuPont Titanium increases prices

On 15 May 2009, DuPont Titanium Technologies (DTT) announced a price increase for all DuPont titanium dioxide (TiO2) grades sold in North America, Europe and the Middle East. Effective 1 July 2009, or as permitted by contract, prices in the Middle East will increase by USD 100/tn. Also effective 1 July 2009, or as permitted by contract, prices in Europe will increase by USD 100/tn in the US dollar markets and EUR 50/tn in Eurozone markets. Effective 1 August 2009, or as permitted by contract, North American (United States and Canada) prices for DuPont coatings, plastics, specialty, paper, and laminate titanium dioxide grades will increase by USD 2 cents per pound.  According to DuPont Titanium Technologies, these moderate increases balance a need for margin improvement to ensure stable supply with gradually improving global market conditions and a customer need for predictability of input costs.
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