Stainless steel flowmeters

Universal Flow Monitors Inc. has recently expanded its line of CoolPoint vortex shedding flowmeters. The flowmeters are designed to ensure flow consistency in hydroelectric generators, heat exchangers, boiler feed pumps, steam turbines, natural gas humidification, and process cooling applications where water quality may be less than optimal. Additions to the product line include four larger sizes of the stainless steel models (3/4in, 1in, 11/2in, and 2in pipe). The line also features an optional flow totalizer with a pulse output, reset button, and six-digit LED to measure, monitor, and control the total amount of water or fluid in a process in either liters or gallons. Flow turndown of 20:1 is now optional on the 1/4in through 2in pipes sizes, up from the standard 10:1 turndown. Maximum 4-20mA transmitter flow rates for the new stainless steel sizes range from 25gpm to 200gpm.
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