Stainless steel figures in 2014

The international Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has published its 2014 edition of Stainless Steel in Figures. This is the third publication since the previous 2012 edition.

The 20-page brochure is broken into sections such as: History and Completion, Actual Performance and Potential. Even though the informative guide discusses the global status of stainless steel there is a special focus on demand verses real stainless steel use in the Americas.

“Our goal is to build our own reliable statistical database, with regular up-dates and consistent reporting standards, which members can use for their own decision making purposes,” notes ISSF Secretary-General, John Rowe.

A digital version of the publication is available at files/PDF/ISSF_Stainless_Steel_in_Figures_2014.pdf

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